"The pain has gone from a 10 to a 3"

A week of Autumn sun today as we headed out to pray for and bless the community. Here's some of our stories.


We had some cool encounters and met lots of people with pain in their legs this morning...

We prayed for a friendly young guy with a big knee cast on crutches. After saying a quick prayer he said: "Yeh that's about 30% better", but without any sense of astonishment or even a smile! He was so chilled. He let us pray again and he said "the pain has gone from a 10 to a 3" with equal amounts of nonchalance, and then said "thanks so much I've got to go now!" One of our most casual responses to God healing someone. 

We then prayed for a couple on their way to the NHS clinic. The man had a crutch and we approached him and said he had upper leg and hip pain. He was happy for us to pray and said it got a little better after a couple of prayers. They were really blessed to be prayed for.

We prayed for a lady with her child who had leg pain and a chap who's mum had foot pain and we also were able to bless him. We also bumped into a guy with a foot cast we'd prayed for in the past but hadn't been healed yet. He was clearly disappointed to still have the cast on and was happy for us to pray for him again.


We dropped in on someone we know and his friend came along and we got to pray for their family and new work. We invited them both to Alpha and then one of them was trying to encourage the other to come.

There was a new chap from the council caretakers team who was really blessed to be prayed for. We tried to pray for a lady who said she was too busy and then as we did another chap asked what we were looking for and we said we wanted someone to chat to and pray for! It turned out he was burying his wife that day so we got to pray for his day.