Praying at God Loves Battersea

On Saturday we had our annual summer community festival which we call 'God Loves Battersea'. It was a great opportunity to bless and connect with many folks in our community and we were also offering prayer to our guests. Here are some stories:


We prayed for several people this afternoon, all who were really open. For me today it was about listening prayerfully to people and hearing what's going on in their lives. As we listened to them we were also listening to God to see if he was popping anything into our thoughts to bless them. It felt that we were really able to speak life and encouragement into the lives of our guests.  Everyone we asked wanted prayer. It was interesting that a lot of people we spoke to had had negative experiences of the church and it was good for them to be able to see a different side of church through the event. 


It was really good to chat and pray with lots of our guests at GLB. I got to pray a blessing for a couple of were expecting a child and they seemed really touched. 

There was a woman who was in a lot of arthritic pain. She let me pray a quick prayer of healing for her and she said she felt the pain reduce. She let me pray one more time and the pain dramatically reduced again! Incredible to see the power of Jesus at work out and about in Battersea!