Matter of fact prayer

A smaller group of us went out today in the cold to see who we could offer pray for. Here’s a few snippets.


We met a lady who wanted prayer, but didn’t expect us to pray there and then! Then we met a guy who was the most matter of fact person we’d ever met. He accepted prayer without missing a blink, we prayed for him, and then he thanked us and went on his way as though he was completely expecting the encounter…

We blessed a salon owner’s business, and then after a lot of people too busy for prayer had a really great encounter with an older gentlemen who we approached as he looked like he had a bad leg, which he did but he also asked us to pray for his eye as he’d lost vision in it. We’d prayed for him and he thought it may have improved. He told us that morning he was worried about his eye and was praying to God for some encouragement, and said that we were angels for him.


We met a mum with 3 kids including a tiny baby. She was new to the area and wanted to come to our Christmas events. Then an older lady with arthritis let us pray for her and then a chef from Algeria who we stopped in the middle of the road (!) and after a chat prayed a blessing over him.


 We prayed for a guy around the square who was ‘open to ideas’ and for his cold to go away. He seemed like he would have been up for more of a chat but we ran out of things to ask. So he was open to ideas, we just didn’t get chance to share many of ours! We then met another person who wanted to come to the Midnight Mass and had some views on the new church building.  Finally there was a professional lady walking quickly who didn’t seem a likely stopper and she wanted prayer for an upcoming exam which was wonderful.