In the Beginning...

Welcome to the all new St Peter’s Kids blog! Every Sunday over the summer holidays, we’ll be posting a session here for you to do with your children. We’re keeping it simple with videos to watch, discuss and things to help you make and pray.

Over the last few weeks we’ve explored the teachings and miracles of Jesus in our very own Rock Solid Online videos. We’ve learnt what it means to have faith and trust in God.

This month we’re going right back to the very beginning of time, to the beginning of the Bible and a book called Genesis.

WATCH the story of unfold in this video based on Genesis chapters 1 and 2. It’s from the Jesus Storybook Bible by Sally Lloyd-Jones, published by Zonderkidz.

DISCUSS the story together:

- Why do you think God created the world?

- Why did God create people?

WORSHIP the Creator God with our All Age video with actions


Watch this video by Scripture Union on how to make playdough or slime, and use it to tell God what you’re thankful for. You’ll need Cornflour, conditioner and a bowl.